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Detailed symptoms of adrenal fatigue

Adrenal fatigue, or more correctly called hypothalamic-pituitary (pituitary) - adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction has many associated symptoms. Do you experience many strange symptoms that you feel are connected? Do you have an exaggerated alarm response? I mean, are you more nervous and you startled more easily than other people?

Do you urinate too often? If so, it's a sign that your nervous system is in a state of stress.

If you are familiar with the term of adrenal fatigue, you should know that most conventional physiciansnot only do not use it, but it is even claimed that it does not exist. However, this syndrome receives other names, and regardless of the label you put it, chronic stress eventually leads to extreme fatigue and disease. And this is recognized even by the medical community, although a large majority does not get to understand it well.

adrenal fatigue

So patients are prescribed different medications to treat specific symptoms, without getting to the root of the problem. Pills for anxiety, depression, insomnia, libido... and except in very mild cases of adrenal fatigue, these medicines are usually not very helpful. They may reduce some of the symptoms, but many, many more will remain unresolved. And if you keep complaining about these other symptoms, they may tell you that your problem is psychological, and they will derive you to a therapist.

Adrenal fatigue, or HPA axis dysfunction, is an alternative name to the General adaptation syndrome.

But there are also other names for chronic fatigue and disease resulting from chronic stress:

Chronic fatigue syndrome, Burnout syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Different names for a chronic illness caused bybeing in constant state of stress. Besides, the symptoms for all of them are the same.

Stress and disease

In the years 60, psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe investigated the impact of various vital events. They developed the stress scale of Holmes and Rahe, in which several events are classified, such as:

  • The death of the couple

  • A dismissal

  • Pregnancy

  • Moving, etc.

Each event was assigned a value, with the death of the spouse in the first place, with 100 points. They found that when people reached a certain level of points, they had a high probability of getting sick. In their studies, they discovered that the stressors are cumulative, and that the greater the exposure to these events, the greater the probability of becoming ill.

Detailed symptoms

  • Low energy first thing in the afternoon, followed by a power surge at the last minute.

  • Usual tiredness at night, but resistance to lying down, and then feeling very awake in bed.

  • You feel exhausted in bed, but your head keeps turning things around.

  • Difficulty sleeping, waking up around 2:00-3:00 in the morning.

  • Severe insomnia

  • Sleep for long periods (10 hours or more) but still with difficulty getting up in the morning.

adrenal fatigue solution

Emotional and mental symptoms

  • Anxiety, often for no apparent reason.

  • Panic attacks.

  • Depression (from mild to severe) in its worst state you can feel trapped and feel that the world would be better without you. If your depression has reached this point you should seek professional help immediately.

  • Short-term memory lack and lack of concentration.

  • Lack of motivation.

  • Pessimism, negative autosuggestion, feeling like you can't trust anyone. It can also be presented as a feeling that nothing goes well or that nothing matters. As symptoms worsen, these feelings can immobilize you, making you think "What's the difference?"

  • Lack of self-esteem and loss of confidence.

  • "Anesthetized" emotions, however with easy tear.

  • Slowness and clumsiness of thought.

  • Diction difficulties, dragging the words. It can improve after a stimulant like coffee.

  • Irritability, anger, tension. In the final stages it can become bursts and strong arguments at home and at work.

  • Hypervigilance (very fast reflexes) Startle or scare easily.

  • Tremors when you are in a stressful situation.

  • Constant worries.

  • Isolation, light resistance to socialize, avoids interactions with others.

  • Lack of severe patience.

  • Tendency to addiction (smoking, alcohol, sex, Internet, etc.)

  • Nightmares.

Digestive and elimination Symptoms

  • Constipation, usually in the early stages.

  • Occasional diarrhea, especially in the final stages.

  • Pale beige stools.

  • Urinate very often, and soon after drinking.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Abdominal distention, gas, cramps.

  • Undigested food

Skin, hair, teeth, bones, nails, Muscular

  • Hair loss in the legs, arms, head and outer part of the eyebrows.

  • The skin looks more aged than it should for your age.

  • You get bruises easily.

  • Muscle cramps.

  • Muscle pain.

  • Lumbar pain.

  • Muscle weakness, fatigue in the legs when climbing stairs.

  • White dots on the fingernails.

  • Bruxism, clench or gnash your teeth while you sleep.

  • Jaw pain.

  • Bone density reduction.

  • Stiff neck.

  • Muscle loss.

  • Premature gray hair.

  • Bone pain.

  • Joint pain and stiffness.

  • Waking up with sleeping hands.

  • Dehydration.

  • Excessive sweating with low activity, night sweats.

Body temperature, heat and cold exposure

Intolerance to temperature and low body temperature usually occur in the final stages.

  • Low body temperature.

  • Inability to withstand low temperatures. You're cold when others don't.

  • Cold hands and feet.

  • Heat intolerance.

Food sensitivities, hypoglycemia, cravings

  • Craving salty is experienced in practically every degree of adrenal fatigue.

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Exaggerated hunger, hungry even after eating.

  • Hypoglycemia.

  • Food sensitivities.

  • Craving for chocolate and sweets.

Breathing problems

If you have been in a state of chronic stress for some time, you may have symptomsof chronic subconscious hyperventilation, caused by stress.

  • Feeling breathless.

  • Frequent sighs and puffs of air.

  • Asthma

Eyes, ears, nose, throat

  • Light sensitivity, poor night vision.

  • See floating spots in the eyes.

  • Blurred vision or difficulty focusing the view

  • Myopia.

  • Circles.

  • Tinnitus, ringing in the ears, tinnitus.

Other symptoms

  • Lack of libido.

  • Dizziness, loss of balance, dizziness when standing up.

  • Palpitations, accelerated heart rate.

  • Low tension but can give spikes or are unbalanced in times of anxiety.

  • Acute or dull pain in the area of the Adrenal fatigue

  • Environmental sensitivities, frequent reactions to perfumes, dust, etc.

  • Volume increase in the float area.

  • Inflammation.

  • Chronic infections.

  • Respiratory and/or coetaneous allergies.

  • Mastopathy fibrocystic.

If you're not experiencing any of these problems, I'm very glad. However, remember that fatigue can sneak up on you while you're living your busy life. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should take as a touch of attention. Take the time to evaluate how much stress you have in your life and find ways to reduce it before it's too late. Adrenal fatigue is not like flu, it doesn't go away after a few weeks unless you make changes in your life.

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